Tuesday, September 29, 2020

YA Scavenger Hunt 2020!

Welcome to YA Scavenger Hunt! This bi-annual event gives readers access to EXCLUSIVE BONUS CONTENT from their favorite authors . . . and a chance to win awesome prizes! At each blog stop, you will get a clue for the hunt. Add up the clues, and you can enter to win our grand prize--one book from each author on my team, including a signed copy of my YA thriller, LIES LIKE POISON, You can also enter my personal giveaway below. But play fast: this contest will only be online from Sept 29th to Oct 4th!
Go to the YA Scavenger Hunt page to learn about the hunt. There are THREE contests simultaneously running, and you can enter one or all! I'm part of the PURPLE TEAM, but there's also a blue team and a red team.
Directions: Search this post for a secret number. Collect the secret numbers of all the authors on the PURPLE TEAM and add them up! You must submit the completed entry form by Oct 4th at noon Pacific Time.

Entry Form: Once you've added up all the numbers, make sure you fill out the form here to officially qualify for the grand prize. Only entries that have the correct number will qualify.

International giveaway (due to Covid, eBooks may be sent)! Get a  guardian's permission to enter if you're under 16. 

Time to meet the author I'm hosting: Vanessa Barneveld! 


Australian Vanessa Barneveld lives in a 19th-century house in inner-city Sydney with a 21st-century husband, two eccentric cats and one ghost—all of whom provide inspiration for her spirited novels. In addition to her writing career, she’s part of a crack team that produces closed captions for deaf TV viewers and audio descriptions for the blind.

I heard a rumor that Vanessa's lucky number is:


 ~ 3 ~



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It’s my senior year, and I’ve never felt more helpless. Mom is MIA, Dad can’t deal, and this strange exhaustion is making me fall asleep in class. It’s like I’m falling apart.


And then there’s Hayden, the cute new boy in school—who weirdly can’t seem to keep his eyes off me.


But when Hayden approaches me, claiming he and I have been routinely abducted by aliens since childhood, that’s when things hit a whole new level of strange. Because I’d remember something like that.





Slowly, I start to realize there are blocks of time I can’t account for. And when I begin having horrible nightmares—which match Hayden’s stories—I realize I might have to put my trust in this boy to have any hope of uncovering the truth. 


But it turns out the abductions are just the beginning…and it isn’t only our freedom on the line. It’s our lives.

 * * *

THE ABDUCTION doesn't come out until 2021, so Vanessa's giving away a copy of her fabulous critique partner's book:
If you want to win Vanessa's book once it comes out, be sure to visit her website to check out her own Rafflecopter giveaway! 
And now . . . Vanessa's bonus content:




Want more? Enter my giveaway below!




a Rafflecopter giveaway  












Ready for the next stop? Go visit the fabulous Amy McNulty to find more bonus content, collect your next number, and continue the hunt!!!



  1. Thank you for taking part in YASH. I wish this weren't the last one.
    This sounds like a cool sci-fi book.

    You Beneath Your Skin By Damyanti Biswas has been the best book I've read in 2020 so far.
    I also really enjoyed Van Helsing Academy by Stacey O'Neale and Not Guilty by C. Lee McKenzie.

    I'm super excited for the YA query contest Pass or Pages at Operation Awesome this October.

  2. (PS - Be careful, because using Rafflecopter to ask for likes is a Facebook TOS violation. You can only ask people to visit. It sucks, but it's true. Don't follow your awesome news of getting a big 5 publisher be followed by getting booted from FB. In fact, delete this after reading.)

  3. I can’t find Chelsea’s secret number

  4. I'm so grateful to have won the Team Purple Young Adult Scavenger Hunt. It's really cool of you to have taken part in YASH. I'm looking forward to the prize of Lies Like Poison.
